Russia Gives France Puppy Named Dobrynya to Honor Diesel the Fallen Police Dog 


Let’s take a moment for Dobrynya the puppy.

As New York reports, the world of international diplomacy has been, shall we say, bleak of late. And bleak it likely shall remain. But for a few fuzzy moments yesterday, France and Russia came together when the latter country offered wee Dobrynya to commemorate a fallen comrade: Diesel, “the police dog killed when special forces raided an apartment in St. Denis following the terrorist attacks in Paris last month.” Dobrynya will take Diesel’s place on the police force.

The pup, Politico explains, “is named after a heroic figure from Russian folklore, know for his ‘strength, love, courage and self-sacrifice.’”

Dobrynya was presented during a Moscow ceremony on December 7. The French Ambassador to Moscow, Jean-Maurice Ripert, told the Russian benefactors, “The puppy you are giving us today will replace Diesel and proves your friendship. They are waiting for this puppy in Paris.”

Enjoy the above video, and perhaps shed a few cathartic tears as Dobrynya gnaws on his leash and steals hearts.

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Video via YouTube.

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