Saturday Night Social: Your Longtime Boyfriend Paul Rudd Is Allegedly 50

Saturday Night Social: Your Longtime Boyfriend Paul Rudd Is Allegedly 50
Image: (Getty)

The fake news media is reporting that Paul Rudd is 50, but since he stopped aging in 2002, those reports remain unverified.

Let’s look at some pictures of him, shall we?

A slightly sunburned Rudd in 2000 looking very much like a Jane Austen character who has a secret fiancée but truly loves you.

Good thing he learned about sunblock Image: (Getty)

Here’s a shaggy-haired Rudd circa 2003 who plays guitar in a band that’s popular in your college town and texts “wyd” at 2 am. You say you’re not going to answer but you answer.

Curly baby bangs are a choice Image: (Getty)

And finally, a mustachioed Rudd from 2016. “Wilford Brimley called,” you tease, secretly loving it.

hi daddy Image: (Getty)

You’re welcome. Now rate your week on the Rudd scale of totally buggin’ to Sex Panther.

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