Sexy Ladies Grind On and Shoot Things in Sin City 2 Trailer


The trailer for the highly anticipated Sin City 2: A Dame To Kill For is finally out and it’s pretty grindy/shooty/punchy/sexy!

Brought to you by the same folks that did the first one, Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller, I’m pretty sure no one needs my help to get them amped up to see this film. I’m a fan of the Sin City series and I freely admit I’m psyched to see this movie. From what we know so far, the four stories featured in the film are “A Dame To Kill For,” “Just Another Saturday Night” (featuring badass Marv, played by Mickey Rourke), “The Long Bad Night” (with Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and “The Fat Loss,” (picking up with Jessica Alba’s Nancy).

The movie comes out on Aug. 22. (DAMN, what is up lately with how long we have to see all these films they send us trailers for! I want to see the movie now, now, now!!!)

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