Shirtless Bro Tries to Ask Out Reporter During a Wildfire on Live TV


A KTLA news reporter got an unusual request while reporting live from the scene of a fire Wednesday.

While covering a fire near Rancho Cucamonga, KTLA reporter Courtney Friel tried to talk to a shirtless man carrying a dog about the evacuations occurring in the area. (That might have been her first mistake right there.)

“Wow, you’re super pretty, you wanna go on a date sometime?” the man asked her. WHOA, “super pretty?” That’s like pretty times ten. “Super pretty” is “pretty” pulling an all nighter at a craps table in Reno jacked up on Red Bull and caffeine pills. Going straight for the kill, bro. Super smooth.

Friel quickly changed topics, trying to keep him on topic. I hear she’s now up for the Edward R. Murrow Excellence in Ducking Douchey Questions from Weirdos You Are Forced to Talk to During Those Goddamn Pointless Man-in-the-Street Interviews Award. I’m definitely going to vote for her.

“Do you live in one of these houses? Are you evacuating?” she asked. Nope, just randomly walking around the ‘hood shirtless, carrying my dog, lady. Typical Wednesday, amirite SoCal? Go Dodgers.

“I live down the street, I was just checking out the fire,” he said. Oh hey, what’s that? A raging blaze that’s threatening to take out our community. Dude. Gotta check that out. HASHTAG BURNING, YO.

Friel asked him what he thought of the fire, because if there’s one thing society needs it’s this guy’s opinion on a natural disaster.

“It’s pretty cool,” he said. Yeah. Fires are hella cool. Especially the ones that force the mass evacuation of all your friends and neighbors. But super especially if they give you a chance to hit on hot hottie reporters!

The station posted a follow-up to the awkward moment on their Facebook page: “Yes, a shirtless man carrying a dog asked our Courtney Friel out on a date during her live shot this morning. And yes, she handled it like a total pro. Way to keep your cool, Courtney!”

This is no unicorn wearing a tutu photobomb, but it’s up there with some classic live TV moments. If only he’d been wearing his My Little Pony costume which he probably has hidden somewhere in his mom’s bedroom.

Sorry, no date for you, dudebro. Maybe there will be a mudslide or tidal wave next week and you can try again.

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