Sir Patrick Stewart: 'Violence Against Women Is Learned'
Speaking on behalf of the Ring The Bell campaign — a movement that calls on men and boys around the world to take a stand and make a promise to act to end violence against women — Sir Patrick Stewart, a consistent and powerful activist for equality, spoke eloquently about what violence against women looks like, and what it means for our world. He’s talked before about growing up in a violent home (video above), and this is equally moving:
The truth is that domestic violence and violence against women touch many of us. This violence is not a private matter. Behind closed doors it is shielded and hidden and it only intensifies. It is protected by silence – everyone’s silence. Violence against women is learned. Each of us must examine – and change – the ways in which our own behavior might contribute to, enable, ignore or excuse all such forms of violence. I promise to do so, and to invite other men and allies to do the same.
Stewart is joined by many men who believe strongly in ending violence against women — including Russel Simmons, Sir Richard Branson, Dallas mayor Michael Rawlings, and former NFL quarterback Don McPherson who said, “We don’t raise boys to be men. We raise them not to be women, or gay men.” Truth.
And, a little off topic, but because you’ve always wanted to be in the middle of this glorious hug:
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