Target Photoshops Junior's Swimsuit Model With Disastrous Results


This latest Photoshop fail comes to us courtesy of Target and seems to demonstrate some weird new obsession with chopping out the crotches of young models.

Oh, please, please don’t let this become a trend.

Target has made some “interesting” choices when it comes to size and body image on its websites in the past and this one isn’t any better. This latest example comes courtesy of The Ethical Adman, who first spotted it. The “Xhilaration® Junior’s Midkini 2-Piece Swimsuit -Leopard Print” featured on Target’s website seems cute enough—until you look at the bottom of the suit. It looks like someone has crudely chopped out the crotch area with scissors. (The arm in front of her also seems insanely thinned and stretched out. There’s also a piece of her hip missing next to it.)

The worst, most horrible part of this (aside from the horrible Photoshopping skills of whatever poor graphic design intern got assigned to do this) is that this product is for their junior’s line. This is what is being marketed and pushed on young girls—this absurd image of a crotch that absolutely does not and cannot happen naturally. This what young girls have to look at and try to reconcile with their own, normally shaped bodies. It’s fucked up, for real.

I really don’t know what the hell the purpose of this is, even from a purely superficial, swimsuit marketing standpoint. What was the issue with this model’s original appearance that offended them so much that they thought this would be better? (I’M JUST TRYING TO GET INSIDE THEIR MINDS HERE, YOU GUYS) Was it to give more of the appearance of a square, flat thigh gap? Is that a thing now? You can’t just have a thigh gap, it has to shaped like a rhombus or something?

OK, ladies! I guess we know what this means. Swimsuit season is just around the corner, so you better prepare your bikini line to look its boxiest before the summer. (Do you think Kegel exercises would help with that?)

Screencaps via Target.

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