Tea-Bagging Dick Army Descends On D.C.
A Jezedude named Zachary has taken one for the team and headed over (balls firmly in pants) to today’s Mass Teabagging in D.C.’s Lafayette Park to take some pictures. His pictures are after the jump.
Says Zachary:
I work in DC about two blocks from the West Wing. Being the home of the biggest “Teabag” protest, I thought I’d go over to get some funny pictures from the lunatics in Lafayette Park. As of 11:30, there were about 150-200 people there, so you know, just slightly short of the 1,000 people they said would be there. When I walked over, everyone was singing “God Bless America” and bashing Obama and the ‘elitist liberal socialists’ that control this city. In the true conservative teabag way, bad they all looked like country bumpkins from backwater Virginia who, I’m certain, can’t actually define socialism or explain what exactly the bailout was.
Pictures below; the captions, however, are mine.
The other side of the sign said, “So the rest of y’all get out!”
Someone might want to tell this guy that the original Boston Tea Party was in 1773, and that the Revolutionary War began in gay-marriage-y Massachusetts in 1775.
Pretty much, these people don’t like anything except the smell of their own farts.
So, all those times George W. Bush held hands with Saudi King Abdullah, was that like giving America a hand job, or just Republicans?
What you can’t see in this picture is all the lonely, testicles waiting for some sweet Republican mouth-lovin’.