Terribly Reasonable Pro-Gay Marriage Ad Threatens the Sanctity of Stupidity


In November, voters in Washington will decide whether or not gay marriage should be legal in the state. Groups on both sides are revving up for a heated battle (“Let people who love each other do what they want!” vs. “But, ew!”) but a new ad puts the rhetoric in a plain, difficult to argue with, and straightforward way. A way that threatens the God-given, traditional value of abject, fact-avoiding hatred masked as religious faith.

The couple featured in the ad, United Church of Christ Reverend Gib Rossing and his wife, Beth, have been married for 52 years and have four children, one of whom is gay and in a committed relationship. They’d love to see their son get married. It matters to him, and it matters to them.

The Pride Foundation, the group behind the ad, adds,

“Here in Washington, we treat all families with respect and fairness, because we believe in the Golden Rule of treating others as we want to be treated,” said Kris Hermanns, Executive Director of Pride Foundation. “This advertisement reflects our fundamental values, and will supplement the conversations we’ve had across the state about the important of marriage for all loving and committed couples. No one should be denied the freedom to marry the person that they love.”

Lawmakers in the state already passed a law allowing same-sex marriage earlier this year, but groups representing interests that in 40 years will be viewed as hateful and backward gathered enough signatures to put the measure up for a public referendum.

[via Joe. My. God.]

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