The Hilarious Fucking Masses Tell 2010 To Fuck Off, Too


My last post of the year, titled Fuck You, 2010, elicited over one thousand comments, which can be read at the link. But I also received dozens of emails.

Here are some of the best messages:

Don’t you just love a a to-the-point, enthusiastic agreement?

2010 sucked hind tit.

This one is funny/sad:

Good Fucking job my friend,
You expressed the feelings of millions & I am truly impressed by your thought process.
2010- My [mind] deteriorated with F. “Dementia” for which there is no cure.

God bless.

{Name Redacted}, PhD.

This one is epic in its scope and was hopefully cathartic for the woman who sent it:

fuck {name redacted}, furniture maker, {town redacted}, CA
He told me I was the missing piece of him
before he changed his mind.
He broke my heart.
He gave me an STD
He took $2000 from friends of mine in July for a bookcase
and spent all the money before buying the materials.

Not everyone felt the need to write, however. A message from an illustrator named Louisa Bertman contained an image from her “happy fucking holidays” series.

There was also a proposal:

well that rant prompts me to ask you to really loose it
go maverick
and be my fiance in 2011 and forever more

i am waiting for your coming to my senses

I regret to inform you that I did not accept this offer.

And, lastly, I got one solitary email from a non-believer:

well it did have its good points too

Earlier: Fuck You, 2010

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