These Whack Job Vines By the Westboro Baptist Church Are Totally Nuts
LatestThe Westboro Baptist Church is so nuts, fringe and thirsty for attention (“How nuts, fringe and thirsty for attention are they?”) that it’s usually best to ignore them, but every now and then they do something embarrassing and ridiculous enough that you can’t help but point and laugh.
Usually, these moments are when the WBC is trying to be current and cool (Megan Phelps-Roper’s Lady Gaga parody “Whorish Face” comes to mind) and this time is no different.
Vine, as pointed out by Miles Klee at the Daily Dot, has become a fairly popular app among the WBC-ers as it allows them to compound their overwhelming mountains of hatred into tiny, six-second hate turds for them to them to easily roll around in.
It also helps them combine their bigotry with very catchy songs. Like this one here:
Here’s a cute Vine where they get a bunch of little kids to make fun of tsunami victims.
And a Duck Dynasty send-up (topical!): This one shows that they are very skilled at comedy. Hahahahahaha. I guess we all needed a good laugh.Way to be creative, WBC, but terrible news — creativity is actually for fags.
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