Watch the Cast of Parks and Rec Talk About Their Favorite Episodes


Later this week, NBC will air the 100th episode of Parks and Recreation, a stunning accomplishment considering how the network has been practically gunning for the excellent sitcom’s cancelation since episode one. But Parks and Rec has prevailed and to celebrate, the cast sat down to discuss their favorite moments from the past six seasons.

As far as standout scenes go, Amy Poehler is a big fan of the Leslie/Ben proposal and the time she got to wrestle Ron Swanson, Rashida Jones loves watching Amy Poehler show off her range, Aziz Ansari gets excited over shooting at the Snake Hole Lounge and everyone loves everything Chris Pratt ever does. Totally understandable.

Aubrey Plaza declined to answer what her favorite Parks and Rec moments were, instead preferring to stand in a tree and demonstrate her bird calls.

Image via Getty.

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