Welcome to America, Ebola!!!!!


The first case of the deadly ebola strain that has ravaged parts of Western Africa has been confirmed in a patient in Dallas, Texas.

This news, confirmed by NBC, comes on the heels of an optimistic report that while the outbreak continues to wreak havoc on other nations, it has been successfully contained in Nigeria. According to NBC News, the CDC hasn’t confirmed that the case is in Dallas, but that we do know a patient under strict isolation was being tested for the virus in Dallas and that Dallas officials were copied on an email announcing the positive diagnosis.

While running around and waving your arms in feigned panic is a fun release in our cushy American existences devoid of stimulating mortal fear, the best thing you can do right now is practice good hygiene and not panic. The virus, although medically classified as “deadly as fuck,” can only be spread through contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids and isn’t transmissible by air.


[All morbid joking aside: if you are able, please donate to Unicef]

Image via Getty

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