Your Next Vacation: Binge-Watching Orange Is the New Black In a Hotel


Do you enjoy binge-watching, but wish you could binge-watch in more luxurious surroundings, perhaps somewhere you don’t have to vacuum the popcorn kernels yourself? Well, the hospitality industry is ready and waiting.

DCist reports that there is now a hotel in our nation’s capital that will sell you a $350 package, allowing you to watch the second season Orange is the New Black in style. Hotel Rouge offers:

For that price, you and a group of up to ten friends can sit in a darkened room for 13 hours straight, watching season two of the hit Netflix show, sitting in “oversized bean bag chairs” and munching on snacks. Although Rouge’s basic “Binge Watching” package includes the rental of their “Red Hot or Lava event space for minimum three hours,” a 50-inch TV with laptop access and Google Chromecast, free Wi-Fi, ten “oversized bean bag chairs,” and free popcorn, you have to provide your own Netflix account.

That is so many beanbag chairs! Your third-grade self would swoon. For $500 you can upgrade to a catered affair, and for $750 you get liquor, too. If everyone chips in that’s cheaper than a night on the town.

I am not even going to pretend like this does not appeal deeply to me. This is truly a breakthrough in the science of laziness. American innovation at its finest. We put a man on the moon, and now we’ll put your butt in room for 13 hours straight to watch high-quality television.

Alternatively, you could DIY this and book the cheapest place you can snag on Priceline. Bet Hotel Rouge (shady name, guys) puts you in a conference room, anyway, when everybody knows the whole point of binge-watching is you don’t have to leave your bed.

Photo via AP Images.

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