12 Days of Christmas Presents Past: A Kodak Camera, Complete With Film (Remember Film?) 

In Depth

As a sort of advent calendar of kitsch, Pictorial will be counting down the final twelve days before Christmas by featuring some holiday presents of days gone by.

Gadgets are a classic category of Christmas gift. Here, from the November 1990 issue of Ladies’ Home Journal, is an ad for a Kodak Star 35 camera. Apparently it sold for $44.95. And they’ve even thrown in a roll of film! Though it’s a bit befuddling that the copy touts the “Kodak Star 35” and the actual package says it’s a “Kodak Star 235.” Presumably this made sense at the time—or at least as much sense as the iPhone numbering system makes to us.

A little digging also uncovers this TV commercial, which makes the case you’ll want a great point-and-shoot for the times when your child completely botches his Christmas pageant. A quick throwback to the days when you captured chaos with snapshots rather than Vine.

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