$130 Necklace Is Made Of Cat Hair


Artist Flora Davis seeks to transform “simple, plain components into beautiful objects.” As such, the necklace above made out of fur her cat had shed, certainly fits the bill.

The product’s Etsy description is as follows:

This unique necklace is for individuals drawn to the quirky.
It is a conversation piece.
The hair was collected during grooming sessions from my indoor, purebred Ragamuffin cat. His hair is very soft; almost rabbit like when touched. It took many grooming sessions to collect the hair, then more time to felt it into solid round balls.

The fancy-looking cat modeling the necklace above is the actual animal said fur came from. Admit it, your cat is feeling so jealous right now. Feeling crafty? Maybe it’s time to make one for yourself. Alternately, this would make a great gift for your ex who’s allergic.

How To Make Crafts With Cat Hair

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