Amy Schumer Bravely Won the Right to Say 'Pussy' on Comedy Central


The word “pussy” will no longer be bleeped on Comedy Central, thanks to the heroic efforts of comedian Amy Schumer.

Well, maybe “heroic” is a bit of stretch. It’s more like “calling out the double standard at a network that freely throws words like ‘dick’ around yet still treats slang for a lady’s private parts as obscenity.” According to Vulture, staffers on Inside Amy Schumer got a little fed up with that double standard and decided to do something about it. Cast and crew explained how it all went down during the New York Comedy Festival at a Paley Center Q&A about the show:

Fellow executive producer Dan Powell took up the important cause during season two. “Dan decided that it wasn’t fair that they bleep the word ‘pussy,'” said Amy Schumer. “Because you are allowed to say the word ‘dick’ on Comedy Central,” added [head writer and executive producer Jessi] Klein. At the time, Comedy Central’s standards arm would okay certain anatomical references like “dick” if they weren’t used in reference to sex, but Powell cried gender inequality.

Powell penned one of those “this-might-get-me-fired-but-fuck-it-I’m-sick-of-this-shit” letters that sparked a call with network officials. And guess what? They agreed with him and decided to ease up on the pussy bleeping, allowing Comedy Central personalities to use the word without censorship on the network.

The most shocking part of all of this is that a television producer is still writing “letters” to his network bosses. (Although I’m betting he meant email. Getting sidetracked, sorry!)

Now, without further delay, here is the first pussy bleep-free skit from Inside Amy Schumer, titled “Acting Off-Camera.” Enjoy all the pussies!

Image via Getty.

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