Anthony Weiner Sexting Partner Releases Highly-Necessary Humiliating Memoir


Since Anthony Weiner resigned from Congress in June, he’s devoted himself to spending time with his pregnant wife, or at least making sure they’re photographed together to prove she hasn’t dumped him yet. But now, one of his sexting partners has decided the scandal is far from over, because she still has a few texts she never made money off of needs to share her side of the story.

Traci Nobles has given the Daily Mail access to excerpts from her new e-book I Freinded You [sic], because, as Nobles explains, “I needed to get my truth out, in my own way.” Though no one remembers the names of Weiner’s half-dozen electronic paramours, Nobles says:

For me personally, it is important to address how I was portrayed, as well as how my involvement has affected various aspects of my life, as well as those who are close to me. The memoir is not specifically about Weiner or his family, it is me explaining my involvement, what has transpired since it all began, and the truth that has yet to be told.

But don’t worry, there’s plenty of mortifying dirt about Weiner and his family. For instance, Nobles says Weiner alluded to sexting from his Congressional office in several messages, and declared at one point, “It’s a big office and you know that’s not the only thing here that’s big.” In another message he told her he had to use the bathroom before hitting the House floor, and texted later, “I had to do some wiping in the bathroom hehe.”

Tales of wiping spunk from a Congressional bathroom are pretty hard to top, but Nobles injects an entirely different type of sleaze into what she calls her “adult memoir,” by sharing Weiner’s thoughts on his in-laws:

‘I wish I had an escape route sometimes,’ he wrote.
‘Well a lot has to do with religion,’ Weiner wrote in the messages to Ms Nobles. ‘Lots of restrictions and how I’ve never been accepted by them.’
‘Touchy is a good word for this. It’s been touchy and worse from the beginning,’ he added.
‘They just believe I should be Muslim or convert… it makes for a lot of uncomfortable meetings.’
‘When you’re religion is something that is hated from the beginning it doesn’t inspire much confidence,’ he wrote.

Having the details of your partner’s beef with your parents published in foreign newspapers is pretty embarassing, but Huma Abedin already dealt with the world mocking cock shots broadcast by her husband. Doesn’t Nobles have something cruder and more personally hurtful?

Ah, here we go. Weiner (allegedly) wrote:

Omg. I didn’t think I could get any harder. That is a perfect pussy. I’m not used to such a perfect pussy. Baby you’re beautiful.”

Of course, Weiner is the one who originally shared all of these scummy comments, but we must commend Nobles for finding a way to pointlessly humiliate his family members all over again.

Heartbreak For Huma As New Messages Reveal How Anthony Weiner Called Her Parents ‘Backwards Thinking’ And Compared Her To His ‘Sextees’ In Vulgar Messages [Daily Mail]

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