Burger King Baby's Birth Mother Speaks Publicly for the First Time


The woman known as the “Burger King baby” appeared with her biological mom on television for the first time to share their story.

Katheryn Deprill was dubbed the “Burger King baby” after she posted a Facebook photo asking people to help her find her birth mother who left her in a bathroom of the fast food chain 27 years ago. On Thursday, Deprill appeared on the Today show with her biological mother Cathy Pochek as well as her adoptive mother Brenda Hollis to talk about how their reunion unfolded.

Deprill shared a private meeting with her mother (who reached out her after seeing the story on the news) a few weeks ago. It was at that time Pochek told Deprill she had been raped as a teenager and never told anyone about the pregnancy that resulted. She said she gave birth in her bedroom and then left her newborn in a Burger King bathroom, where the baby was discovered by an employee.

Thursday’s show was the first time Pochek has spoken to the media. She said when first saw Deprill’s viral plea she worried someone would try and take advantage of the situation. That prompted her to reach out to her attorney to help arrange a meeting.

“I was extremely nervous,” Pochek said. “I knew I was at the advantage, because I had seen interviews that she had done, and I was just so proud of her, and how articulate she was in expressing her feelings, and grateful for her mom for a beautiful childhood that she gave her.”

Hollis said she encouraged her daughter to look for her birth mother and was even the one who suggested using Facebook to get help. That resulted in a photo that has been shared thousands of times.

“Never in a million years did we expect this to happen,” said Hollis.

Deprill, who was in tears for part of the interview, described the reunion as “very overwhelming.” I think we can all agree with her on that.

In the interview, Pochek doesn’t discuss the specifics surrounding her decision to leave the baby in the bathroom, but that’s OK. Deprill seems to be extremely overjoyed to have her back in her life and that’s probably all they want or are ready to share with the public.

Just watch the video here and yes, you probably will need a few tissues.

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