Comment Of The Day: Important Information On Hurricanes And Babies


Bloodlesscoup would like you to know that “evacuistas” aren’t the only extremely important news story of the day:

I, too, have done my share of investigative reporting, and found many surprises during my research:
I like going to college campuses and asking students if they feel that higher education is important.
I hang out in maternity wards to see if new parents are pro-children.
Once, I asked a pair of hikers what their stance was on fresh air.
In a more hard-hitting piece, I went to a ceremony where new citizens to the US were getting sworn in and asked tough questions like: “America, so, like, is it a big deal or something?”
But, none of this work trumps my best stories, which are when I look at pictures of actresses and determine if they’re pregnant or not based on their wardrobe.

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