Comment Of The Day: Join Our New Religion! (Haters Need Not Apply)
LatestSome local officials in New York don’t want to issue marriage licenses to gay couples because they say it’s against their religion. Carrie Brookes says:
I want to live every day of my life in accordance with my religious beliefs. Being a member of a liberal peace church, that would mean:
1. None of my taxes would every pay for anything war-related. We’re not called a peace church for nothing!
2. Reproductive rights for women would be sacrosanct, in keeping with my religion’s view of women as fully autonomous people.
3. Lesbians and gays would receive complete equality in every aspect of life, in accordance with our acceptance of every individual’s right to, well, everything everyone else has a right to.
4. People of color, see above, please. (Our religion was the first abolitionist religion, in keeping with our belief in equality for everyone, everywhere.)
When the hell is the world gonna start revolving around *my* religious beliefs?
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