Congressman Refuses To Apologize For "Not A Lady" Comments


Rep. Allen West will not apologize for calling Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz “vile” and “not a Lady,” explaining that he is “a military man” and “there are certain ways that we speak in the military.” I guess that includes bizarre email outbursts in response to respectful criticisms? Political Correction notes that West should be used to tongue-lashings far worse than the one Wasserman Schultz dished out:

West likens Islam to Nazism, thinks Planned Parenthood is “neutering American men,” called the president a Marxist demagogue on TV, and responded to the news that he violated federal laws about treatment of the U.S. flag by taking one with him on a scuba dive by lashing out at “idiot liberals.”
West’s vitriol is not reserved for colleagues or liberal organizations, either. His latest post at Red State is titled “At this Point, Anyone with an Obama 2012 Bumper Sticker is a Threat to the Gene Pool.”

Allen West Refuses To Apologize To Debbie Wasserman Schultz [Gotcha Media]
Rep. West Defends Outburst: “Don’t Poke Me In The Chest” [Political Correction]

Earlier: Congresswoman Allegedly “Not A Lady”

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