Coupon-Obsessed Teenage Boy Dances At The Register
Last night’s episode of Extreme Couponing introduced us to Joel, a 16-year-old high school student who loves saving money. “Other teenagers like to play football,” he says. “I like to coupon.” He calls his elaborately organized coupon file box his “baby.” Joel’s stockpile is meager compared to some of the folks on this show — it’s only worth about $1200, and includes some stuff he definitely doesn’t need: Bikini-line razors, maxi pads and baby formula. But unlike some of the ladies TLC features — unlikeable, slightly insane, super-huffy shelf-clearers — Joel was pretty damn charming. He had so much fun while shopping! And at the register, he was very polite to the cashier and the store manager. Plus, when Joel’s coupons took his purchase total from $652.20 to $50.35 — he did a gleeful little dance. Then he went home to have a glass of apple cider while sitting in a Jacuzzi and sleep on his 408 rolls of toilet paper.