Court Allows Single-Sex Dorms To Continue The Fight Against Female Whorishness


A complaint that alleges that Catholic University’s reversion back to single sex dorms constitutes discrimination has been dismissed by a DC human rights council. Over protests of the student body and some faculty members, university residences will now begin splitting up men and women, which means that the window for slutty wanton women of Catholic U to destroy their own lives and the lives of their weak male counterparts is rapidly closing.

According to the Washington Post, the ruling means the school will begin phasing co-ed dorms out starting with freshman residences next year. The phase-out will follow the incoming freshman class, and by 2015, all of the dorms will separate the women from the men. The majority of Catholic University’s dorms— 11 of 17— are currently co-ed.

Back in June, new Catholic University president John Garvey raised some eyebrows with an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that explained his reasoning for the retro social engineering. In his terribly dumb letter, he explained that this move was for the good of the women of the school, who according to science become depressed when they have too many sexual partners and who according to him are causing the university’s men to have no choice but to drink and stick their weens into them. Thus, students must be separated by sex. It’s really for the good of the poor evil yet somehow hapless little girls who can’t make decisions for themselves, you see.

A George Washington University law professor claimed that this constituted discrimination, but the Washington DC Office of Human Rights disagreed. Title IX specifically states that sex specific university housing does not violate human rights.

School administrators hope that segregating the students by sex will lead to less extremely sinful drinking and unCatholic premarital fucking, but research suggests that putting men and women in separate living quarters doesn’t really stop young people from becoming genitally acquainted. And anecdotally, as someone who attended a university with sex segregated dorms and fairly strict visiting hours that were enforced by security guards, there was plenty of high stupidity drinking and entire strategy guides for circumventing the rules designed to discourage fornicating. Hussiness abounded. In fact, it seemed that some highly driven and intellectually curious fellow students of mine took the rules like a challenge.

Lady promiscuity and the ensuing social moral decay is not something that can be stopped by anything short of divine intervention, but kudos to Catholic University for fighting against the facts, anyway.

Catholic University’s same-sex dorms deemed legal [WaPo]

Image via Nagel Photography/Shutterstock

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