Everyone's Sad in this Teaser for The Walking Dead Midseason Premiere


If you can’t wait five more days for The Walking Dead to come back, then you lack patience, and you will be pleased by this. Here’s the beginning of the midseason premiere, which airs on February 8. Two whole minutes of it. You’re welcome.


Last we left off, Daryl was seen carrying Beth’s dead body out of Grady Memorial after a standoff with Dawn. In this clip of the beginnings of Sunday’s premiere, the group holds a memorial service for Beth, with Gabriel leading a prayer. After a heartbroken Noah tells Rick about his and Beth’s now-dashed plans to go to Virginia, Rick says the group’s new agenda is to take their chances and head to Va. for potential refuge. “It was secure. It has a wall, homes, twenty people,” says Rick, unconvincingly. “It’s a long trip, but if it works out, it’s the last long trip we have to make.” As if that ever happens.

Watch 2:21 minutes of the midseason premiere here.

By the way, this old photo is shown in the clip:

Based on earlier teasers, it seems like Michonne is on Team Let’s Go to Virginia, because, she says, “It’s a chance. Instead of just being out here, instead of just making it.” This crew is all about conquering enemies (the Cannibals, the Cops) and death, so they’ll likely encounter more opposition wherever they try to settle. They’re not the only survivors on edge.

Will we see a softer side of Rick? After a period where he was seemingly on the brink of becoming a monster, he’s calmed down his rage considerably—i.e. that time he went through with Tyreese’s peaceful Grady plan.

And now you can cry because Beth is dead and more people will die.

Image via AMC

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