Excuse Me, Miss, When Was The Last Time You Took It In The Hiney?
LatestBoom, anal sex! This something that has been covered before on this here site, but I’d like to know some of your thoughts and personal adventures with it. Please, share. For all of us.
Personally, I can take it or leave it. As hot and sexy as it may be at certain times, the fact that there’s the possibility my penis could end up looking like the little boy in Slumdog Millionaire after he jumped into the toilet pit always makes me a bit skittish. But, you know, it’s a case-by-case basis. I have an open mind.
But what do you say, gals? Is it even worth the effort? Send me your best stories of anal sex and I’ll send you a prize pack of, oh, things on my desk.
I’ll publish the top ones in these three categories (anonymously, if you’d like). Here’s what I’m looking for:
1. Positive experience: Tell us about the time when the butt stuff made you all googly-eyed. I’m assuming this happened in a hostel in Prague or something.
2. Negative experience: I think the Slumdog Millionaire imagery should explain what I’m looking for here…
3. First time: Always memorable! I think.
So there you have it. That’s your other crowd-sourcing assignment for this Labor Day. Please send your entries to [email protected]. Subject: “Hiney Pumpin'” for the opportunity to win a crappy prize. Other than that, just share in the comments section like you usually do and let us all wonder what the fuck’s wrong with you people.