Fat Substance Abuser Rush Limbaugh Calls Lesbians Fat Substance Abusers
LatestThird Rate Sad Wang Rush Limbaugh took it to the next bullshit level when he spoke some truly insane nonsense about lesbians and alcohol and fatness and yeah. Actually, it sounds like he’s explaining a personal fantasy of his, but nope — it’s just some good old-fashioned hate-mongering from King Bigot.
Complaining about the money being spent to research the correlations between lesbians and obesity and alcohol abuse, he comes to this conclusion:
And, of course, the answers to the first case is they don’t have to deal with men, so they don’t have to worry about their appearance. They’re not trying to please men. So they can be obese. It’s no big deal. Alcohol, who knows? They’re having to deal with women so they’re drunk.
Considering Old Man Rusher is himself rather overweight and has a history of drug abuse, the gentleman ironist strikes again.
Even worse, he uses this all to bizarrely insult Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts’s cousin, Jean Podrasky, who attend the Supreme Court hearings yesterday as Roberts’s guest. Just ’cause being hateful fills his pockets with OxyContin. ALLEGEDLY.
[Rush Limbaugh, via Daily Kos]