Forget Men: Blind Date Books Are Where It's At
LatestThis Valentine’s Day, tell that bro to get lost*, and lose yourself in a good book!
Inspired by Worthington Libraries, Sylvia, a librarian in Albuquerque, NM, put together a “blind date with a book” program.
She writes:
We started with ~40 books. Two hours later, all but four had found homes with library patrons (sorry, Flush, Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Persepolis, and The Things They Carried, they don’t know what they’re missing).
Now, to send forth a new fleet of exciting books into student arms. Whew!
This is awesome; I want to do it! And — not to peek through the coffee shop window to get a glimpse of the date before you walk in, but — that’s totally Ghost World, right?
*unless you like or love him, and then just tell him you’ll be about an hour.
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