Gov. Brownback Apologizes To Teen Who Dissed Him


While we remain convinced that Kansas Governor Sam brownback’s policies do indeed suck, today he took the high road by apologizing for the ridiculous controversy over whether 18-year-old Emma Sullivan should repent for insulting him on Twitter. Today he posted on Facebook:

“My staff over-reacted to this tweet, and for that I apologize. Freedom of speech is among our most treasured freedoms.
I enjoyed speaking to the more than 100 students who participated in the Youth in Government Program at the Kansas Capitol. They are our future.
I also want to thank the thousands of Kansas educators who remind us daily of our liberties, as well as the values of civility and decorum.
Again, I apologize for our over-reaction.”

Sullivan’s school district also said that it won’t be disciplining her for refusing to apologize:

“The district acknowledges a student’s right to freedom of speech and expression is constitutionally protected. The district has not censored Miss Sullivan nor infringed upon her freedom a speech.”

Sullivan hasn’t heard from Brownback directly, but today she said of the incident, “I hope that the governor realizes the power of the people and how people can make things happen,” adding that she hopes the Governor will spend his time “doing more productive things,” than tracking what the kids are saying about him on Twitter.

Earlier: Teen Refuses To Apologize For Saying The Governor ‘Sucks’ On Twitter

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