Guess Why the Girls Basketball Coach Who Recently Wrote a Gross Book Is Suing the School Board?
LatestHey you guys, remember Bryan Craig? Not quite? Okay, um, this is sort of awkward…he has the face, you know? Like a man’s face with…eyebrows. He coached girls varsity basketball at Rich Central High School in Chicago. Oh, he’s a published author! You might be familiar with his seminal work, It’s Her Fault — here’s a snippet:
In a man’s eyes, this is PIMP 101: how to establish and maintain control over a woman even though she is much stronger…this process is critical for a man to establish manhood and, at some point, become committed to a woman.
Turns out that after publishing his masterwork, Craig was fired on Sept. 18 from his job shaping young, impressionable minds. At the time, school board president Betty Owens said that, apart from creating what seems like a particularly misogynistic book, Craig made a lot of parents and teachers in the district rethink letting him teach and coach their kids:
Mr. Craig’s conduct in this matter fell far short of our expectations and evoked outrage for me, members of this board and many others in this district who have come to expect the highest level of professionalism and sound judgment from the people they entrust with their children each day.
Spurned but not deterred — Bryan Craig is no quitter, ladies and gentlemen, because quitting is definitely not part of the PIMP 101 curriculum — Craig has filed the inevitable and far-reaching lawsuit against Owens, the school board (which voted unanimously to fire him), and Superintendent Donna Leak. He claims that his free speech rights have been violated as his scribbling did not fall under his responsibilities as an educator, another thing the school board would have learned if they just read his book, chapter 8, section 32.b (and I’m paraphrasing/making up entirely): “None of what I’m saying about how women need to ‘submit’ to men has any bearing on how I would coach or teach kids — it’s just, like, my opinion or whatever.”
The Daily News notes with just a tangy hint of derision that Craig has also claimed emotional distress, which, the paper sneers, “he probably should have thought about that before he wrote the book.” It’s probably best not to revel in Craig’s misfortune, because, really, it takes a lot of foresight to know how literature might affect the masses.
Chicago teacher sues school district after writing sexually explicit advice book [NYDN]
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