Here are 20 Different Versions of 'All I Want For Christmas Is You'


Today in All I Want For Christmas Is Younews, a bearded man named Anthony Vincent—the creator and voice of Ten Second Songs—sung a medley of Mariah Carey’s classic holiday jam in 20 different styles. Anthony Vincent understands the true meaning of Christmas.

Coming on the heels of Mariah Carey’s voice message regarding the anniversary of her Christmas album and “AIWFCIY,” Vincent performs the song in the original style as well as the style of (among others) Billy Joel, Usher, John Lennon, Nat King Cole and Alvin and the Chipmunks (which is, of course, a highly respected cartoon band that gave us another Xmas classic).

Though “AIWFCIY” is self-evidently the best Christmas song that exists in the world, Vincent’s medley is one that requires Mariah Carey-level dedication. Billboard asked him:

How long on average does it take to nail one style?
It could take me as long as a day. I’ll go at it for a full day — I won’t stop until I’m completely happy with it. It doesn’t necessarily have to sound like the artist, but if it doesn’t feel like the artist, I don’t let it slide.

He didn’t let it slide. He did it for Christmas.

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