Here Are Four Grown Adults Dressed as Corgis Dancing to 'Shake it Off'
Hey, what did you do this weekend? I’m betting it wasn’t nearly as good as dressing up as a corgi with your friends and dancing with a bunch of real corgis to a Taylor Swift song.
While we are definitely reaching peak “Shake It Off” parody saturation, we will always find room at this blog for Corgi-related dance videos. “We are four corgi obsessed friends with five Welsh Corgis,” is how the people who made this video explain the whole thing. (You can also follow Little Miss Maggie Moo, one of the videos real actual corgi stars on Instagram, if you are the kind of person who likes following animals on social media. It’s OK. You’re definitely not alone.) There is a dog in the bottom right corner wearing what appears to be a tutu who literally gives zero fucks about the whole thing. That dog is now an official Jezebel mascot.
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