Hilariously Terrible Brad Pitt Chanel No. 5 Ad Gets the SNL Treatment It Deserves
LatestIf anything deserves a good mocking, it’s Brad Pitt’s new Chanel No. 5 ad, in which the actor rambles, “It’s not a journey. Every journey ends. We go on. The world turns and we turn with it. Plans disappear. Dreams take over. But wherever I go, there you are: My luck. My Fate. My Fortune. Chanel No.5, Inevitable.” (TRANSLATION: “Blah blah Seven Years in Tibet blah FAAAAAART.”) Luckily, SNL took the very very deep perfume commercial to task this weekend with these awesome parodies featuring Taran Killam as Pitt hawking anything from Taco Bell to Dog Condoms. Killam, who has been on the radar of Tap Dat Industries since his “Call Your Girlfriend” routine of 2011, does a more than capable impression, making us wonder how often they’ll revive the character in the future. But what happens when the Brad Pitt journey ends? Answer: We go on. The world turns and we turn with it.