Hillary Clinton Admits to Liking Oval Offices on The Daily Show
LatestLast night, The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart fixed his legacy as a comedic faux journalist. Instead of drooling over guest former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as he did with former presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004, Stewart gave Clinton the book, schmook, let’s get to the presidential stuff routine.
Later, instead of outright asking Clinton whether she was on pace for a 2016 run, The Daily Show host administered an executive questionnaire (though as we learned yesterday, those are bullshit) which included questions like “Do you like to work from home?” and “Do you prefer offices with corners?” He concluded that she was preparing for a presidential run. Glad that’s settled! It was a good time and Mrs. Clinton genuinely seemed to enjoy herself, while Stewart was probably fist-pumping instead in head, like “I am killing this interview!” Indeed.
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Image via Comedy Central.