Jennifer Hudson: "I'm Prouder Of My Weight Loss Than My Oscar!"

CelebritiesDirt Bag

Jennifer Hudson is on the cover of this month’s Self and inside she says, “I didn’t even know I was considered plus-sized until I came to Hollywood … I thought I was the perfect size!” Good thing the stars were able to set her straight! She explains that she had an epiphany when an (incredibly rude) interviewer asked her what it was like to be plus-sized in Hollywood. Hudson says, “I looked around, like, Who is she talking to? Oh, me? I’m plus-sized? In the neighborhood I’m from in Chicago, a 16 is normal. But in Hollywood, everyone looks exactly the same, so I stood out.” She adds, “I’m prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar!” Well obviously. Who cares about winning a prestigious award that some actors spend their entire careers working to achieve if you’re not skinny? [CNN]

Russell Armstrong‘s family is planning to take legal action against Bravo for his suicide. “Bravo is at fault and somebody needs to pay,” said Russell’s step brother Wade Jackson. “Russell’s dad doesn’t want to talk about what happened to him with a lot of people, but everyone in the family thinks that Bravo is to blame. [Radar]
Unsurprisingly, the official cause of Russell Armstrong‘s death is suicide by hanging. [TMZ]
Sources say that Russell was bisexual and afraid that he was about to be outed in a tell-all book. Taylor Armstrong suspected he was hooking up with men when he said he was at the gym. The source adds, “Not only was it going to come out that Russell was bisexual, but there were people on the record that were going to talk about the kind of sex he liked. He was into S&M type stuff; choking, rough-housing and slapping.” [Radar]
Taylor got a cut on her eyebrow a few days before Russell died. Her friends say Taylor was injured during a game of football and he had nothing to do with it. [TMZ]

When Health asked Kelly Preston how she got through her son Jett’s death, she said, “To be honest, [it was] the Scientology Center. I don’t know if I would have made it through without it.” [Us]

Amber Tamblyn and David Cross are engaged. We expect there will be plenty of “something blue” jokes told at the wedding. [E!]

  • Ugh, Andy Dick has reached a new low, and that’s kind of hard for him. On Greg Fitzsimmons‘ radio show, Andy Dick launched into an anti-Semitic rant about Howard Stern not standing up for him when his Sirius Radio show was canceled. “For two years I did the show, never got a cent, and I’m not complaining about that…I’m just saying the Jew facts. I never got paid,” Dick said. “I have no problem with his big, fat, hook nose, and his money-grubbing miserly Jewishness.” Stern was furious and said on his radio show, “This is bad, bad for society.” [E!]
  • Sugarland is holding a private memorial in Indiana for the five fans who were killed on Saturday when a stage collapsed. [CNN]
  • Ivanka Trump on why she named her baby Arabella Rose: “I have always loved the name Arabella, and Jared’s grandmothers had names beginning with an A and an R. We wanted to pay a subtle homage to those two strong and wonderful women while also adopting a name that was very unique. Plus, we thought that the initials – ARK – were cool!” [People]
  • When Idris Elba was called a sex symbol in an interview, he replied. “Black men, we’re never called sexy. We’re called athletic, intense, we’re described as being the strong type, the silent type. But we’re never really described as being sexy … in general the word ‘sexy’ doesn’t apply to black men, particularly … The word has been thrown at me a few times, so if I have to say I own it, fine, because if it gives me and black men another definition, then great.” [ONTD]
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