Katy Perry Brings Rebecca Black Onstage in Double Crap Candy Explosion


Katy Perry, who is an anime robot with blue hair who lives in Candyland, invited special surprise earworm singing guest Rebecca Black onstage last night at a show in LA.

Am I the only one who is uncomfortable with our continued fun-poking-at of Rebecca Black’s admittedly horrible but also sort of sweet and sincere attempt to play a pop star? As the smirking Perry welcomed Black onto the stage, I halfway expected blood to be dumped on Black’s head. And then, the doors of the auditorium get locked and Rebecca Black, I don’t know, drowns everyone in deadly acidic foam that shoot from her breasts, because Katy Perry’s not the only one with magical boobs. No siree.

Which seat can I take? All of them, motherfuckers.

Rebecca Black joins Katy Perry onstage at LA show [THR]

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