Limited Too Is Making Its Glittery, Bejeweled Comeback


If you’ve been jonesing for a new popcorn shirt or have concluded that your wardrobe needs more purple satin, then you a.) probably grew up in the 90s and b.) are in luck. Limited Too, that bygone paradise of sparkly (yet chaste) fashion is soon to return.

According to New York Post, Bluestar Alliance, owner of Nanette Lepore and Kooba, has purchased the brand from the private equity firm that owns The Limited, Sun Capital Partners. If all goes according to plan, department stores will house the clothing line by fall of 2016. But Ralph Gindi, co-owner of Bluestar Alliance, also hopes to open 200 stand-alone stores in the span of five years. “We are going to bring it all back,” Gindi promises.

Once the mecca of every back-to-school shopping pilgrimage, Limited Too’s popularity dwindled about a decade ago, leading to the conversion of all 560 stores into Justice shops by 2008. But Bluestar Alliance has determined—through whatever alchemy—that the tweens of today are ready for a new and improved Limited Too.

With any luck, malls will be vomiting pink glitter in just a few short years.

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