Man Found Wandering Naked in Woods Four Days After Music Festival

A hunter found a man wandering in the woods, naked and confused, four days after a music festival.

According to Casey Sanders, the hunter who made this video, he discovered the man on Oct. 2. He was heard someone yelling and found the man naked, holding a walking stick. The man told Sanders he had been beaten a the Tommorwworld Music Festival, which had occurred four days earlier.

I looked down to find a man standing in the creek holding a walking stick with not a stitch of clothing on him. Claimed he had been beaten up by some guys at Tommorwworld then dropped in the woods after they stripped him of everything. He spent days trying to find water and then he stuck to the creek once he found it. He recalled his number and I got in touch with somebody to come get him after I led him to the road. By far the craziest hunting story I will ever have!

Sanders later clarified more about his actions when he found the man:

I know I was confrontational at first, but what you don’t see is the hour after that of me getting him to safety. I mean I did save his life and I didn’t call the cops. Sorry I wasn’t so trusting to random stranger naked in the creek out in the middle of the woods who couldn’t differ a dream from reality. I didn’t exactly have a script in my head of this is what I will do when I find a naked man in a creek

There’s probably not a lot of us who have a script in our head ready for that moment we come across a naked, disoriented man wandering in the woods. Asking “So, what do you think of the new season of Scandal?” probably isn’t the way to go.

H/T Uproxx.

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