Man Has Wife's Vulva Carved on Headstone So He'll Never Forget It Her


Milan Marinkovic, a 75-year-old Serbian widower, hired someone to carve an replica of his late wife’s vulva on her grave. It took two years to find a willing sculptor to do the job, but the glorious day finally came, and a talented stonemason used used a series of photos of her vagina to create a detailed vaginal masterpiece/potato bug hieroglyphic.

According to The Sun, his wife Milena died three years ago and reportedly left instructions for the headstone carving to “make sure he never looked for another woman.”

I’m not really sure how having a vagina etched into a headstone is going to ensure his faithfulness after death, but okay? I think I’d probably leave my partner with a lifetime supply of lube and some nudie pics of me? And maybe a real doll in my image? Okay, that might actually be creepier. Well, whatever works, especially if you don’t want your partner to ever have love again. Fair enough.

The problem wasn’t finding the money but finding an artist who would do it. Most of them said it was blasphemy. Now it’s finished I love it and it’s a really good likeness. And this way, a part of her will always be with me.

I guess, except that it’ll be at the graveyard. But, you know, grieving is hard, and we all cope in different ways. Who knows, one day I might want my partner’s penis built as a mausoleum, so that I may always visit it and think of him.

Lady-garden of remembrance [The Sun]

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