Maybe George R.R. Martin Should Finish His Book Instead of Endorsing Joe Biden

Maybe George R.R. Martin Should Finish His Book Instead of Endorsing Joe Biden

Over the weekend, A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin shared, in his words, “a few jots about various things going on these days, in my life and in the world at large.” And it turns out—unsurprisingly to those who have watched the bumbling Jon Snow continue to fall up on the latest season of Game of Thrones while eminently qualified women are painted as unfit for the Iron Throne—the dude is a fan of Joe Biden.

Martin wrote on his blog:

Out in the real world, I was pleased that Joe Biden finally announced his candidacy for president. There are a lot of good Democrats running, maybe too many, and I’d probably vote for any one of them over the present blot upon the Oval Office. The main things I want in a nominee, however, are twofold: (1) someone who can beat Trump, and (2) someone who would actually be a good/ great president. Biden qualifies on both counts. Also, the speech he gave announcing his run was kickass… and so, so true. I wish him well.

He continued: “Lots lots more going on, but I have pages to write.” George, electability is a trap and A COCK IS NOT A TRUE QUALIFICATION.

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