Meghan Trainor's Still Boring, But Her New Song Is Cute 


In the video for their collaboration “Like I’m Gonna Lose You,” Meghan Trainor and John Legend want you to take the nearest baby or puppy out into the rain with no umbrella. Were they inspired by Kanye West’s “Only One” where he carried North around a downpour while she barely wore a jacket? What’s going on out there?

It’s been well established by the difficult-to-stomach ”All About That Bass” and the unlistenable “Dear Future Husband” that Trainor is a cheesy artist. But, despite this mediocre video, I’m not mad at this song. Leaving people out in manufactured rain to show them symbolically enduring rough times could’ve been done better, but dammit—life is short. Too short to hate this cute, coffee-house song that my mother and her friends will probably like. (Still, it’d be really great if Meghan stopped being so corny. Lick a donut or something, girl.)

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Image via Youtube.

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