New Cee-Lo Song To Be Featured At Every Wedding From Now Until The End Of Time


If Cee-Lo’s “Fuck You” was an anthem for those who have been burned by an inconsiderate lover, “Anyway” is the exact opposite. It’s a love letter from the bald, tiny one to his lady, thanking her because “there’s no one else like this that will put up with my shit and still love me anyway.” The chorus includes the phrasing “for worse or for better” which is, of course, just begging to be played at every wedding from now until the end of the century. You had better learn all the words now, because it will play at your best friend’s wedding. And your sister’s. And your long-lost cousin’s. And your college roommate’s. And, naturally, it will be featured in the video remix of their wedding vows that will hit the web weeks later. You’ve been warned.

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