NY Post Wastes No Time Calling Jill Abramson 'Angry'


Jill Abramson might be considering a discrimination suit against the New York Times, but she’s using a punching bag to do it. Well, not exactly, but it’s quite an image choice on the cover of the New York Post. And of course, instead of just noting that Abramson is exercising, the paper decided to use the caption, “An-Grey Lady!” Hooray for quippy sexism in cover lines!

The former executive editor was captured posing like Rocky in a local gym sporting boxing gloves, a possible Urban Outfitters tank, yoga pants and a baseball hat. Veteran journalists, they’re just like us. The photo, taken and published on Instagram by her daughter Dr. Cornelia Griggs, also includes a shot of Abramson’s tattoo of a New York City subway token on her right arm. The New York Post, who used the image as the cover of their paper today, reports that Abramson also has a New York Times tattoo on her back, though it’s unfortunately not pictured.

Abramson was fired from her position as the first female executive editor at the New York Times on Tuesday after three years in the position. She was replaced by Dean Baquet, the paper’s first African American male executive editor. And while publisher Arthur Sulzberger assured the media, his staff and the world that he merely wanted to make a management change by dismissing Abramson, reports have surfaced detailing her departure came after she learned that her pay was less than her male predecessor and requested something comparable. Talking Points Memo notes that her salary was about $84,000 less. This isn’t the first time the New York Times has faced similar problems, and as Ann Friedman notes in New York, for women in the workplace, it’s often a crazy, murky and tenuous path between being well-liked and doing your job. But until the “he said, she said” calms down, we’ll always have the evil career woman meme!

Image via the NY Post and Instagram.

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