Oprah Thinks It’s ‘Really OK’ for Rihanna to Forgive Chris Brown, Really

CelebritiesDirt Bag

After learning earlier this week that Rihanna possibly made the sex with Chris Brown in the bathroom of a bar, it was imperative that the high priestess of pop culture and conduit to Rihanna’s soul Oprah Winfrey pass judgment on this rumor of lavatorial lovemaking. So? What does Oprah think about Rihanna and Chris Brown making the tenderness?

I think that if she is prepared to deal with that and is prepared to help him help himself then so be it. I have no judgment about it. That’s why I can sit there and have such a great time with her because I do all my interviews with no judgment whatsoever. If that’s how you choose to lead your life, that’s really okay.

Choose your choices, is what Oprah’s saying, although we should be clear: she had gracefully eluded questions about the alleged bar hook-up, and instead was saying how it was fine for Rihanna to forgive Chris Brown. Really, it’s fine. [Extra]

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  • A mischievous prankster deity evidently called 911 in Los Angeles to report being locked in Ashton Kutcher‘s home while Russian gangsters stole all of the actor’s Chicago Bears apparel. Police dispatched $10,000-worth of taxpayer-funded resources only to find out that they’d been fooled when Kutcher answer the door in a bathrobe and said, “Good evening, officers — I was just preparing a cheese tray if you all would like to stick around and go hot tubbing.” [TMZ]
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  • Men in Black alien Bill O’Reilly and Jon Stewart had a tickle fight for charity at The George Washington University. [AP via Yahoo]
  • Simon Cowell turns 53 today and will most likely celebrate by sacrificing a mountain goat to the deity that made him rich, famous, and tan. [E!]
  • Ben Affleck sideswiped a parked car, but stopped a few (it’s not even close) syllables shy of turning the reassuring note he left at the scene a haiku. [TMZ]
  • Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis cannot untangle their privates, and so, in order to make day-to-day chores easier, they are now living together. [Us]
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