Praise Be! Justin Timberlake Finally Releases Some New Music


Late last night, when the majority of us were at the peak of our Golden Globes wine haze, Justin Timberlake, that young rapscallion, was quietly gifting us with a new single much like a stylish young Santa Claus. Maybe “quietly” isn’t the right word for it. Timberlake has been hinting at releasing new music in 2013 for weeks now, but only last night did it become internet official with his release of “Suit & Tie” featuring Mr. Hova himself, Jay-Z.

In a statement on his website, Timberlake writes:

Back in June of last year, I quietly started working on what is now, my next journey with that thing I love called MUSIC.
The inspiration for this really came out of the blue and to be honest, I didn’t expect anything out of it. I just went into the studio and started playing around with some sounds and songs. It was probably the best time I’ve had in my career… Just creating with no rules and/or end goal in mind and really enjoying the process.
What I came up with is something I couldn’t be more excited about! It is full of inspiration that I grew up listening to and some newfound muses that I’ve discovered along the way.
I’m calling it “The 20/20 Experience,” and it’s coming out this year.
I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it.

It’s been approximately seven years since the release of Justin Timberlake’s last album FutureSex/LoveSounds in 2006. (Remember back then? George W. Bush was still president and there was only one Night at the Museum movie.) Needless to say, expectations were high and, while “Suit & Tie” is certainly a laid back debut single, our boy JT doesn’t fail to deliver.

[Justin Timberlake]

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