Reader Roundup


Holy Mother Of Jesus Luz. The comments today were WONDROUS:

Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Ever Feel Like Something’s Missing?: “Clockwise, from top left: Sexy Mrs. Santa, Female Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, Tina Turner” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Real Housewives: A Tattoo Of Your Husband’s Name Won’t Save You From Divorce: “Can we discuss, for a minute, the how-we-met story of Jim and Alexis? DWM seeks special lady with penchant for wearing heels with swimsuits. Must exude Elegant Sexiness and/or Sexy Elegance. Likes Ed Hardy, couples travel, and the Marriot chain of establishments. Thinking women, the self-sufficient, and fatties need not apply.” • Best Comment of The Day, in response to The Simpsons. The Other Simpsons.: Child of a Creeper Man. Dr. Inappropriate. Leave it to Skeever.” And! “The Pukes of Hazard. Seventh Hell. Creeping up with the Simpsons. How I Forced Your Mother To Pledge Her Virginity To Me Until Her Marriage. CSI: Texas.” Plus! “The Electra Company.” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to In Canada, Men’s Rights Groups Gain Power And A Blogger Supports “Femicide”:

Dear Men Who Hate Feminists,
I am a feminist and I believe men should have equal parenting rights. Joint custody? I am all for it unless there are circumstances that would place one parent (not necessarily the mother) as the more fit parent. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters to me is that children have a safe, loving, caring home enviornment.
I am a feminist and I have no interest in harming men. I have no interest in harming another human being, period. In fact, I quite like men. The ones in my life right now are pretty great guys.
I am a feminist and I believe all people, regardless of gender, color or sexual orientation, should have equal rights. I believe a man & a woman with the same qualifications performing the same job should be paid the same. I believe all people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be allowed to marry the person they love. I believe everyone has a right to feel safe, regardless of their gender.
I am a feminist and I have no interest in taking rights away from men. All I want is to be afforded the same rights. You aren’t losing anything when that happens.
Perhaps this information will help change your mind about feminism.

Reminder: If you see a great, funny, insightful, eloquent (or awful) comment, nominate it! Email the comment and the timestamp link to the left of the comment to Hortense at [email protected].

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