Ryan Gosling Feeds His Dog An Apple During Late Night Interview


At this point, I think we can all agree that Ryan Gosling’s press tour for his lastest movie has been a rousing success — with each interview, he’s been charming and wry and amazing. He lifted Al Roker, for chrissakes! Then: Just when we thought we could not love him any more, he brought his best buddy George with him to meet with Jimmy Fallon last night. The Gosling proceeded to feed George an apple and explain that George wears a sock so he doesn’t chew on his leg. It’s too much. Seriously. Do not resist. There is no reason not to be truly and deeply in love with this man.

Earlier: Al Roker Has The Time Of His Life, Owes It All To Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling’s Life In The Trailer Park Class System

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