Scandal: Drunk Mellie and Your Olivia Pope Moment of the Week


Once again this week, even though we’re used to seeing Olivia Pope kick ass, another character stole the show.

So some lady got into a senator’s office with a bomb and there was a whole brouhaha. Winston Zeddmore from Ghostbusters kept calling and trying to negotiate and tell people it was a big twinkie, and the president was involved, and the lady wanted a file, and it was very dramatic. It culminated in an over-the-top moment during which Olivia ran over to the window and put herself in the path of one zillion sniper sights and tossed her hair like WHAT. You’re not going to shoot me, I am fucking the President. And everyone was all STAND DOWN. I cackled.

But the winning monologue of the evening goes to Drunk Mellie, who used hooch to “celebrate” the fact that Olivia Pope didn’t die. She referred to Liv as a “whore” again; said “I am spectacular, but I can’t compete with religious fervor”; and also used the words “puppet husband.” It was evil and delightful.

Later, Olivia and Huck had a very tense moment: She seemed rather certain that he had killed her father. Then she went home to find Jake waiting with a bottle of wine, which she guzzled Olivia Pope-style, summing up the entire episode.

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