Shakira and Rihanna's New Single Is an Underwhelming Island Party


The moment we have been waiting for has come. The two mononymous divas Shakira and Rihanna have finally released their new single, “Can’t Remember to Forget You,” and it’s…um, it’s alright.

Rife with reverb, it’s a pop-rock-meets-reggae record — a quite literal mashup of Shakira’s and Rihanna’s distinct sounds. It’s a fun song, but it also feels like an orchestrated beach party at an all-inclusive resort where the day-glo cocktails are heavy on the fruit mix and tiny umbrellas.

I guess what I’m really trying to say is that it’s no “Beautiful Liar,” but I’m sure the video will be pretty hot and will include sexy belly dance-writhing on mud or sand or men or some combination of the three. Let’s be honest, it’s Shakira and Rihanna. They’ll be fine.

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