Shoshi Olympics Are Probably Better Than Real, Actual Olympics


Whether you’re boycotting the Sochi Olympics for political reasons or just really, really bored with snow-based athletics (come on, what’s wrong with you?) you still need to make sure you check out this Girls-themed Olympic Tumblr.

Leave it Tumblr to always find a new, ridiculous way to meme something out a seemingly improbable connection. This time, it’s Girls’ character Shoshanna Shapiro (or “Shoshi”) played by Zosia Mamet who gets her meme-able time in the Internet sun. Check out more pics from Soshi Games 2014:

I guess this blog post is as good as any to dump all my terrible pun-y Olympic jokes on. So here goes: “Boy this, Tumblr really wins the gold, eh?!?!?

You know what? Never mind. I’m just going to quit while I’m ahead.

Images via Soshi Games 2014 Tumblr

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