Slut-Shamer Laura Schlessinger Makes It All Too Easy


Dr. Laura Schlessinger is not exactly a friend to other women. In a blog post today, though, she explains why men can have sex without repercussions but women are just sluts.

Dr. Laura is responding to a question about her double standards for men that engage in casual sex and women that do. The writer is apparently trying to say that both people should be held accountable for treating sex without respect, saying that it “encourages men to attempt to use women sexually as their birthright.” Laura disagrees, because she’s a slut-shaming idiot.

First of all, God and nature are responsible for the reality of a double standard. Women have breasts from which to suckle the baby born from their uterus after a nine month gestation. Women’s high-pitched voices and hearing are geared for the infant-mother bonding that miraculously takes place right after birth. Women’s temperaments to nurture, cuddle, coo, and protect are hardwired into their psychological programming.

Uhhh, also, “God” gave women the ability (some of us) to have multiple orgasms, nipples by which we can get aroused, clitori and, some of us at least, temperaments other than ones that “nuture, cuddle, coo and protect.” Dr. Laura, notably, does not strike me as much of a coo-er.

There is no question that men more easily dissociate love and sex. Young males in particular are open to sexual experiences for the challenge, orgasmic satisfaction, and status among other males. These qualities are not synonymous with femininity.


Women give themselves sexually to men out of love, a desperate desire to be wanted and loved, or for money.

But women never take men for the sake of their orgasms. Women “give” themselves to men for love or money. That’s it.

It is not typical, as it is with men, for a woman to feel proud of the number of men who have penetrated her

And not because society slut-shames, it’s because God does.

the only women who look for the sexual challenge are those so twisted with anti-male rage that domination of a male is a form of psychological rape which satisfies that neurotic anger.

Oh, god.

Males are generally out of control every which way until they fall in love and take on the obligations and responsibilities of a man committed to a woman and family.

She doesn’t sound like she much likes men either. Oh, wait.

In fact, the deranged males who perpetrate horrendous acts of violence are generally such loner males with no families to make them feel important, give them purpose and direction…and love.

Except for that BTK killer guy, he was a total outlier.

Women are the taming and socializing force in society. Men will only do what women allow. Remember the ancient Greek classical play “Lysistrata”? The women in the town refused to have sex if their men continued to participate in war and violence. Poof, all the violence stopped. Women have always had the power over men; but feminism got women off the track of realizing that, and on the track to only hating or disdaining men…Now, women have largely become “pigs.” Instead of embracing modesty, pride, values, and self-value, they parade around showing their bodies like Playboy bunnies, have sex before “hello,” shack up with men without marital commitment

Well, Doctor Laura knows a little about shacking up, casual sex, and posing for nude pictures!

Am I Anti-Female? [Dr. Laura]

Related: Dr. Laura, How Could You? [Salon]

Earlier: Yeah, We Know: Dr. Laura Schlessinger Is Full Of Shit
Dr. Laura Blames Whiny Women, “Defends” Her Soldier Son

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